Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
Jana L. Gegen has been practicing in Adult and Geriatric Psychiatry since 2019. With 30 years of healthcare experience, she brings a wealth of knowledge to her practice, focusing on adult and geriatric mental health. Jana holds dual certifications as a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) and a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP).
Her educational journey led her to earn her Bachelors and Doctor of Nursing Practice degrees from Metropolitan State University in St. Paul, Minnesota. Jana’s passion for holistic patient care drove her to specialize in mental health care. She believes that patient-centered care extends beyond treating symptoms. Her practice places strong emphasis on addressing patients’ physical, emotional, and social well-being. Jana collaborates closely with her patients, rooted in empathy, active listening, and personalized care. She recognizes that each patient’s journey is unique and values their input, actively involving them in treatment decisions. Her dedication to patient well-being and continuous learning exemplifies her commitment to the field of mental health.
In her leisure time, Jana enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, hiking, biking, camping, and reading. In all these pursuits, Jana’s commitment to well-being shines through. She understands that a balanced life contributes to better health, both for herself and her patients.
I am deeply committed to transforming health care from a focus solely on illness treatment to a more wellness-oriented approach. In my practice, I recognize that true patient care extends beyond physical and psychological symptoms. It encompasses the mind, body, and spirit of individuals. To achieve this, I prioritize building a therapeutic alliance with my patients, fostering open communication, and actively involving them in shared decision-making.